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how to care for hedgehog

Hedgehogs need a dry safe place to raise young and hibernate and a hedgehog house is the perfect habitat. Check out these hedgehog-loving websites for more information.

How To Take Care Of A Hedgehog With Pictures Cat Care Hedgehog Pet Hedgehog Care

Invest in Veterinary Care.

. As small mammal veterinarians we provide primary and emergency care for your pet hedgehog including. Hedgehog Diseases and Veterinary Care. The African Pygmy variety is the favorite of most hedgehog owners. Annual exams with nutrition and husbandry consultation Primary care appointments Nail trims Routine and emergency dental exams To make an appointment please call the UF Small Animal Hospital at 352 392-2235.

A hedgehog is fun to watch quiet not aggressive and is fairly easy to care for. Hedgehog Care The Complete Guide To Hedgehogs And Hedgehog Care For New Owners Hedgehog Books Hedgehog Guide Pet Hedgehogs Book 1 As recognized adventure as with ease as experience more or less lesson amusement as with ease as bargain can be gotten by just checking out a books hedgehog care the complete guide to hedgehogs and hedgehog care for. However one animal that is often overlooked yet serves as a wonderful domestic animal is a hedgehog. Medical Care for Your Pet Hedgehog To ensure a healthy life for your hedgehog schedule an annual checkup with a specialized exotic pet vet for a physical exam that includes fecal and blood work.

When raising baby hedgehogs to ensure the best survival rates and growth potential typically 1 in 5 hoglets in a litter will not survive it pays to be well-versed in their handling. Site it under a north-facing hedge out of the way. Algirus hedgehogIt is called African pygmy due to the fact that it is smaller than another popular pet hedgehog species known as the European hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus. The essentials consist of an enclosure a food and water bowl a wheel a sleeping hut with something warm inside bedding nail clippers a toothbrush and hedgehog friendly body wash.

Kehoe recommends having at least two thermometers inside the pets enclosure to ensure that the temperature range stays between 75F and 85F. Hedgehogs need a warm environment. Alexas_Fotos Pixabay How to Handle a Hedgehog. Hope you enjoyed the daily routine.

It changes from day to day but that is the gene. Ideally cover it with plastic sheeting and a layer of leaves and make an entrance tunnel around 12cm x 12cm and 40cm long to prevent predators getting in. Whilst hedgehog babies otherwise known as hoglets are cute to hold on to and look at they do require an attentive routine of care. However when it comes to these adorable animals theres much more than meets the eye and theres a lot of information to take on board to take care of one.

But above all have fun with your new furry friend. Get tips on nutrition health behavior supplies and more and learn how to be a responsible owner. How Do I Care for a Hedgehog. Fleas Ticks and Mites.

However pet stores carry hedgehog kibble that is specially formulated. The towel sheet or ripped up newspaper will need to be changed daily. It is a clean animal and has very little smell. The hedgehog will also need to be kept clean meaning its bedding ie.

Kyle Moschen who has a pet hedgehog contributed to this article on how to care for a pet hedgehog. Therefore avoid handling your pet during the first few days of bringing. Warming Up Your Baby Hedgehog. Hedgehogs are docile creatures and make intriguing exotic pets.

Popular Hedgehog Species. Hedgehogs are relatively easy pets to look after but still require lots of attention and care. Read More Hedgehogs do not bark. The cage should be as large as possible such as a wire enclosure meant for guinea pigs but the cage floor should be solid rather than wire so that the hedgehogs feet dont get caught.

Here is a quick rundown on the most common conditions that could affect your pet hedgehog. This could lead to injury of a child or pet. Hedgehog Club Hedgehog World and Hedgehog Central. Building Your Hedgehogs Habitat.

Additional Resources on Hedgehog Care. Hedgehogs require an escape-proof cage. If the temperature goes outside this range the hedgehog may enter a state of torpor where it becomes less active says Dr. How to Care for a Baby Hedgehog.

You may be tempted to feed them cat or dog food but the ingredients wont match the needs of your hedgehog. How to Take Care of a Hedgehog For most homeowners seeking a domestic pet dogs or cats are usually the first choices. 2 Spaying and neutering are recommended to avoid reproductive organ tumors and other diseases later in life. Dental disease skin issues including mite and lice infestations intestinal parasites and tumors can all be issues for pet hedgehogs.

Like most animals hedgehogs arent immune to ailments and diseases. Thorough dental examinations at the yearly vet visits and the occasional dental. If you have that aspect of hedgehog care down pat the remaining aspect is forming a bond with your spiny friend. Upon acquiring your hedgehog you should head to your vet to examine it for common parasites like mites.

Like your cat and dog hedgehogs can become infected with fleas and ticks. They are actually hybrids of the white-bellied or four-toes hedgehog Atelerix albiventris and the Algerian A. Caring for Your Pet Hedgehog. Weaning and Taking Care of Your Baby Hedgehog.

A hedgehog may not be a suitable pet for small children. You will need certain supplies to successfully raise and care for a hedgehog. Mealworms and crickets are common treats for hedgehogs and will fulfill your pets instincts. Sometimes kids can be overzealous with their affection causing a hedgehog to become afraid and extend his quills.

Housing and Toileting Your Baby Hedgehog. If you are caring for a sick hedgehog it is important that they have a good heat source from for example a heat lamp or well-wrapped hot water bottle to avoid burning the hedgehog. That was my dogHey everyone. As mentioned hedgehogs have a nervous disposition especially when in unfamiliar surroundings.

Handling and Feeding Your Baby Hedgehog. We are available for emergencies 24 hours a day.

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